Monday, June 23, 2014

little Happies!

In my quest to blog/write more, I am linking up with Stephanie at Blessed to Be and sharing my week's little happies.  By the way-- I love the name "little happies".  Isn't that what life's all about??

1.  Stephanie's love of her Vera Bradley blanket made me realize that my Aden and Anais Day Dream blanket definitely is a little happy!  A+A blankets are big in our house... we probably have a dozen of them to swaddle and then to lovey with... they remain our favorites.  When I heard from a friend that they make an adult size bamboo dream blanket, I had to have it... and wow!! It's wonderful.

It is that cool and light and makes me think of summer nights or afternoon naps after reading a good book. 
My mom made me laugh when she pointed out I have no time for reading or naps... so I could simply go by and touch it for a quick fix of what it would feel like to have frivolous time :)

2.  Hearing my Mary Jane sing Tom T Hall's Sneaky Snake is definitely a little happy.  As a child of the 70s, I grew up camping and listening to Tom T. Hall's children's songs.  I'd completely forgotten about them but then my aunt sent me the CD.  Oh, my... so fun!!  And Mary Jane has the cutest little determined voice as she sings!  

3.  Okay, so this is a bit lame... but I gave up cream in coffee last year.  So my little happy today is that I stopped and got half and half, and I am treating myself to a delicious cup of rich and sweet coffee.  Sometime removing something from our diet makes it even better when it returns!

4.  I watched this video last night.. definitely gave me pause to think about lots of things.  Definitely a little happy that I wish more Catholics would reflect on... I sent it to three people... won't you??

I don't know if I'll make changes after watching the video but the ideas definitely resonated with me. 

5.  My last little happy-- a new hint-- chew gum while cutting onions and you won't cry (much).  It works... not 100% but a little happy worth sharing.



  1. Yay! A great Little Happies post. :) Thanks for joining in! I'm totally going to try the gum trick next time I cut onions. And even though I don't have any kiddos yet, I'm already in love with Aden & Anias's blankets. We have some stored in our extra closet for when we finally have (or adopt) a kiddo!! Oh, and I totally know what you mean about enjoying a yummy you haven't had in a while. Mmmm... rich and sweet coffee sounds wonderful! A lovely treat!! :) Thanks for sharing your Little Happies. I hope you'll join again in the future!

    1. PS -- Totally gonna watch that video when I have a few extra mins. Thanks for sharing!
