Sunday, June 22, 2014

Answer Me This.....

I love Kendra at Catholic All Year.  I especially love that she's a SoCal Catholic blogger since it seems like a small circle.t +

I am linking up with her weekend link up-  Answer Me This...

1.  When's the last time you got a new bathing suit?
I actually bought a swim dress at Walmart the last time I was in Arizona.  For whatever reason, Walmarts in CA are awful!!!  But my mom's Walmart has all sorts of fun things... including this modest suit:

Most of my suits for the last ten years have been Land's End suits... it was nice to buy a "cheap" suit for a change.. and not drop $100...

2.  Who made the last incoming call on your phone?
My mom!  My parents just returned from driving from AZ to Seattle to see my cousin graduate from Seattle Pacific University... yes the Seattle Pacific U where a shooter made the news recently.  I am so thankful my cousin wasn't on campus and was safe at home.  Terrible...

3.  If you receive communion, do you receive it in the hands or on the tongue? 
No set answer here... it depends on where my children are.. often times I am carrying someone and so the tongue is easiest.  Other times I am wrangling someone and it's easier in the hands.  At this point, I am glad to receive it... one way or the other.. but I do see how I feel as if it's a more intimate experience taking it directly into my mouth.

4.  Do you have a tattoo? 
My first response... NO WAY... but then I remembered... I have tattoo marks from radiation therapy... so if they count, I have what seems to be a tiny constellation of stars tattooed on my back neck.  I am a cancer rebel that way :)

5.  How many plates are in your home?

I am only going to guess..
We have switched to a Melmac type everyday plates with photos of the girls.  Makes it easy to eat outside which we love doing.  We have eight of those plates.

We have probably ten (had 12) plates from Crate and Barrel  They were an every day simple French Country design.  I still love them but they aren't sold anymore.

We have a setting of twelve of our wedding china... Wedgewood India. I love it but we don't use it often.

And then we have lots of odds and end china from my Mother In Law.  I love it.. it's special to me but I don't know anything about it.  

6.  Do you have an accent?
I am a CA girl... I don't think I have an accent :)
But I do think I have a distinct cadence as I speak.


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